Author name: Mazhar Shafiq

Mazhar is an article writer for the last ten years. He writes many articles on the Quran and Hadith subject and other Islamic topics.

Dua For Leaving House

Dua For Leaving House

Dua is a supplication or prayer to God in Islam. Muslims believe that dua is a powerful way to communicate with God and ask for blessings, guidance, and protection. One common dua that Muslims recite before leaving the house is known as the “Dua for Leaving the House,” which is intended to seek protection and guidance while away from home. This dua is recited by many Muslims as a way to put their trust in God and ask for His protection while they are away from the safety and comfort of their home.

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Dua for Entering Masjid

Dua for Entering Masjid

The act of entering a mosque, or masjid, is considered to be a special moment for many Muslims, as it is a place of worship and a sacred space. Before entering the masjid, it is customary for many Muslims to perform a specific prayer or dua, which is a supplication or invocation to God. This dua is often recited as a reminder of the individual’s humility and submission to God, and as a means of asking for blessings and guidance as they enter the masjid to perform their prayers.

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Dua for Travel:

Dua for Travel

A dua is a prayer or supplication made by Muslims to seek help, guidance, or forgiveness from God. Many Muslims make dua, or pray, before undertaking a journey for protection and guidance during their travels. It is believed that making dua before embarking on a journey can help ensure a safe and successful trip. There are many different duas that Muslims can make for travel, each with its own specific purpose and meaning. Some common duas for travel

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